About REACH Church (Asheboro First Assembly)


Who we are

Reach Church exists to help believers become all that God has called them to be and to reach our world with the love of God.

What we believe

Reach Church (Asheboro First Assembly) is an Assemblies of God-affiliated church.

What we believe in a nutshell:

The Bible is Inspired

There is One True God

The Lord Jesus is the Son of God

Mankind is Fallen

There is Salvation available through Jesus Christ

Water Baptism & Communion are commanded by Jesus

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is available to all believers

The Church is God’s plan

God has given Ministry Gifts to the Church

Our Healing is provided for 

The Rapture is the Blessed Hope of the Church

To see more about what we believe please use the button below.

Our Core Values

Holy Spirit Culture

We invite the Holy Spirit to have His way in all we do.

Building Community

We grow together through prayer, worship, and encouragement in the Word.

Cultivating Purpose

We empower believers to live out God’s plans.

Thinking Globally

We believe the Great Commission is our mandate. We reach beyond our walls to the world around us.