AFA Missions

Our global network of missionaries is dedicated to fulfilling God's call to disciple the nations. From remote villages to bustling cities, they serve as instruments of Christ's love, making a profound impact on lives and communities worldwide.


Aged Ministers Assistance

The Aged Ministers Assistance (AMA) program helps provide daily necessities such as food, housing, and medicine to aged or disabled Assemblies of God ministers and their spouses who live on a monthly income below the national poverty level. AMA is not a pension but an emergency fund, supported solely by contributions from churches and individuals. This program ensures that these ministers, who often sacrifice financial gain for their service, can meet their basic needs and receive appreciation for their years of dedication.


CUOC, Asheboro

Christians United Outreach Center (CUOC) is a faith-based, community-supported short-term financial crisis intervention center. The Center provides short-term solutions for individuals and families facing situations outside of their control. They're then on hand until they no longer require assistance for their basic needs. This means establishing a long-term plan, securing better employment, and /or changing their circumstances. CUOC's second goal is to continually adapt to the changing needs of the community by making their services more accessible and relevant to those who need them.


Cecil & Tonya Eschelman, Global University

Cecil and Tonya previously served in Russia. They left in 2022 because of the war between Russia and Ukraine. As of 2023, they were considering transferring to the home missions department of Assemblies of God. They are currently ministering at Lumbee River Christian College in NC.


Brad & Cassie Hackett, Chi Alpha

Brad and Cassie are associates at UConn Chi Alpha. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship at UConn is a body of college students earnestly following Jesus, who come together to worship our amazing God, to learn His Word and be discipled, to encourage one another and pray, and to have fun making friendships that will last a lifetime!


Joel & Heidi Hitchcock

Joel Hitchcock is an international evangelist who has been in full-time ministry for 30 years, starting with his first sermon at age 12. His passion is to know God and make Him known, and he ministers in evangelism, healing, and the Holy Spirit, focusing on revival in America. Joel has written several books, held numerous revival meetings, and conducted international Gospel campaigns, all while being married to Heidi for over 25 years and raising four children.


Stephen & Belkis Lehmann, Chi Alpha

Stephen Lehmann, a Chi Alpha missionary, is married to Belkis and lives in Oak Ridge, North Carolina. They are involved in college ministry and have a vision to reach more students and campuses, ultimately contributing to God's harvest. Their work is diverse and includes tasks like negotiating contracts, which also provides opportunities to serve staff and students by finding cost-effective venues for events.


Moon & Lindsay Choi, Philippines

Moon and Lindsay and their 3 daughters are missionaries to the Philippines. They moved to the Philippines in 2023 and are currently based in Valenzuela, living on the campus of Bethel Bible College. They are learning the local language and engaging with students, hosting them in their home, and bringing the gospel of Jesus to them.


Jonathan & Anna Edwards, UK

These UK-based evangelists spread revival and spiritual awakening globally, carrying a strong healing and prophetic anointing. They aim to see revival and spiritual awakening in every nation, making Jesus' name famous worldwide. Their mission is to help people form a relationship with God and experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


Mike Evans, Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Prayer Team, led by Dr. Mike Evans, aims to enlist 100 million people worldwide to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as directed in Psalm 122:6. The organization also provides humanitarian aid to the Jewish people in Israel, including coats, blankets, and shelter for those in need. The team's website features articles about Israel and its leaders, as well as "prayer walls" where members can post their prayers for Israel and the Jewish people. Dr. Evans is a prominent American-Christian Zionist leader, author, and Middle East expert.


Brian & Mindy Hargett, Chi Alpha

Brian and Mindy Hargett are Chi Alpha missionaries. They reside in Springfield, Missouri. Brian serves as the Cross Cultural Missions Interim Director. Additionally, Brian is the campus pastor at NC State. His role involves mobilizing university students for missions by connecting them with Assemblies of God World Missions through various programs, including short-term trips, graduate assignments, and strategic study abroad initiatives. Brian and Mindy have 2 children.


Jordan & Julia Kroll, Asia

Jordan and his wife Julia live in Asia and work with The Gateway Project, that seeks to unite churches, ministries, missionaries, and ministry/Bible schools in sending teams, resources, and creating long-term Kingdom solutions in the least reached cities worldwide.

Scott & Cathy Miller, Germany

Scott and Cathy Miller, experienced missionaries who have served in Kenya, the Philippines, and India, have been called by God to lead a local congregation in Stuttgart, Germany. This congregation ministers to U.S. Military families and other English-speaking individuals, a demographic with limited church options in Europe. The Millers will focus on discipling and equipping these families, with the long-term goal of establishing a German-speaking congregation to reach the local community.


Pastor David & Kimberly Metz

Pastor David Metz is the founder and president of For This Cause International, a ministry dedicated to reaching the world for Christ by proclaiming the Kingdom of God with signs and wonders following. He invests in the lives of pastors and ministers with the Truth of God's word and is actively developing a global community of disciples. FTC International proclaims the truth of God's love and leaves a tangible representation of HIS love by assisting with wells, housing, and orphanages in areas of need worldwide.Pastor David has ministered in over seven nations and has seen over 179,000 people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He studied with Omega Seminary and is ordained with the Assemblies of God. He lives with his wife Kimberly in North Carolina, and they have been married for over 20 years.


Norelen Project, Dominican Republic

The Norelen Project is a building project in the Dominican Republic. The missionary project will consist of a building with: a medical dispensary, a residence for missionaries, an evangelical temple, among others. With the purpose of empowering the individual to walk socially and spiritually in the will of God. The Calling of God for the Norelen Project is to supply and meet the spiritual and physical need, through evangelistic outreach and medical missions.


Chris & Lenee Oakley, Hungary

The Oakleys are involved in several different areas of ministry, one of which is Europe's Heart, a compassion-based ministry focused on reaching the outcast and marginalized of society, beginning with the Roma (Gypsies) of Slovakia. The Oakleys host short-term mission teams for Europe's Heart, usually working in the areas of construction and evangelism. They are also helping to plant an international church in Budapest, Riverside Church. The Oakleys are involved with coaching (and playing on) Hungarian baseball teams as a way to meet and build relationships with Hungarian young people and their families. They are also involved in street evangelism, prayer ministry, children’s ministry, and women’s ministry.


Phyllis Rose, Peru

Phyllis ministers to 4th - 6th grade at-risk girls in a ministry called Chicas de Promesa which means Girls of Promise. Chicas is an after school program that protects these girls from being home alone, at the market, the park, or on the street while their parents are still at work. If not supervised, these girls are at risk for possible abuse in the home, abuse on the street, kidnapping & dangers of human trafficking. Chicas creates a safe place for these girls while discipling them and teaching them who they are in Christ and how much Jesus loves them. The first Chicas groups were started in Lima's two ChildHope schools with plans to develop the ministry in all of Peru's 8 ChildHope schools.


Joel & Amy Slater, South Africa

Joel, Amy, and their four children serve in Durban, South Africa. They are currently involved in the Healthy Pastor/Healthy Church initiative. Their focus is on training pastors and churches in biblical disciple-making, contributing to the International Assemblies of God (South Africa) goal of becoming "A Leading Pentecostal Church, Anchored in Missions." Joel and Amy have 21 years of experience in pastoral ministry, including early childhood education, youth ministry, Master's Commission, adult education, congregational care, and small group development. They have participated in multiple missions trips to Central America, Ethiopia, and Uganda. Their partnership with the International Assemblies of God (South Africa) aims to equip churches in making biblical disciples, empower pastors towards holistic health, and develop healthy churches within walking distance of all Africans.


Teen Challenge Piedmont

Piedmont Teen Challenge is a residential discipleship program designed to help young men ages 18 and older who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Their goal is to introduce hope and healing to individuals with life-controlling problems through a personal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ, enabling them to live successfully in society. They focus on helping men become whole persons by addressing their mental, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual well-being. Piedmont TC provides a Biblical, faith-based solution to the drug epidemic and serves men from across North Carolina and the United States.


Maurice & Erica White, Kenya

Maurice and Erica White are ordained ministers and full-time missionaries to Kenya, Africa, where they work among the Messiah people. Their ministry focuses on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Maasai Tribe through evangelism, church planting, and Bible College training. They host short-term mission trips, partnering with teams for two-week periods to conduct various activities such as evangelism, medical missions, and children's ministry. The central purpose of their ministry is to bring the love and salvation of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. They live and minister primarily among the Maasai Tribe in Kenya, and their ministry is focused on evangelism, church planting, and raising up pastors at the Bible College.


Tim & Madai McCain

Tim McCain, married to Madai McCain, is the founder of TMMinistries. The ministry is dedicated to sharing the good news of the gospel with people worldwide, believing that spreading the message of hope in Jesus Christ can change the world and bring people closer to God. They travel extensively to preach the gospel and rely on the support of others to continue their mission.TMMinistries has proudly preached at thousands of churches over the past 12 years, developing meaningful relationships with pastors and church leaders. As an experienced evangelistic ministry, they have worked in all areas of ministry and are passionate about spreading the word of God and helping people grow in their faith. Their mission is to ensure every individual has the opportunity to experience the love of God and to help churches achieve their Kingdom-building goals.


Azael & Yaneidy Nunez

Azael and his wife Yaneidy founded Azael Nunez Evangelistic Ministries, which exists to awaken generations to believe and walk in their true identity as conquerors in Christ Jesus. For the last seven years, Azael Nunez has been preaching the gospel all over the USA. As well as overseas, burning with the desire to reach and teach people through evangelistic and missions opportunities, After being directed by the Holy Spirt in 2017, Azael and Yaneidy moved to Phoenix, Arizona. There, they had the opportunity to start a new branch of Ignite School of Ministry - Phoenix campus. Thier mission is to train and disciple this young generation to shape their culture and beliefs with the gift God has placed in them. In addition, Azael Nunez Evangelistic Ministries (ANEM) was launch in 2017. He and his wife have a passion to see the Generations be transformed by God’s power.


Ashley & Meredith Penley, Ecuador

Ashley and Meredith Penley and their three children serve in the northern highlands of Ecuador, where they were appointed as career missionaries in 2010. Their primary focus has been on pioneering university ministries (REDU), church planting, and church revitalization. In 2019, they received an additional assignment to reach the Quichua Indians and Afro-Ecuadorians in the province of Imbabura. To achieve this, they prayed for a team of missionaries to help target these unreached groups. The national Ecuadorian people who have answered the call to ministry also need to be trained, so the Penleys launched a school of ministry to train Ecuadorians to plant and pastor new churches. Their goal is to bring the hope and truth of Jesus to these communities.


Sandhills Teen Challenge

Sandhills Adult & Teen Challenge is a faith-based recovery program that helps individuals overcome life-controlling addictions. The program offers long-term residential care, group therapy, and licensed clinical counseling, among other services. Additionally, it provides specialized support for veterans and active-duty troops through its Military Specialization Program. The program also focuses on spiritual formation and life-skills development.


Son’Spot, Ocean City MD

The Son’Spot is a missionary outreach of the Body of Christ that emphasizes salvation and victory in Jesus. From June to September they gather every day for sharing the Word and prayer, complete work projects, and go on the boardwalk for outreach ministry. They gather again in the evenings for praise, worship, Word, prayer, fellowship, and ministry. During the winter months, focus is on delivering food bags to families in need and hosting Bible studies at the county jail.


The Gateway Project

The Gateway Project is a collaborative missions vision aiming to reach 100 strategic cities in the 10/40 window. Eight apostolic organizations are joining together to provide administration, strategy, and general oversight. The project unites churches, ministries, missionaries, and ministry/Bible schools in sending teams, resources, and creating long-term Kingdom solutions in the least reached cities worldwide.

Kevin & Moriah Thompson, West Africa

Kevin and Moriah Thompson serve in the Ivory Coast, West Africa. Their passion is to spread the Gospel to others, and their vision is to establish a healthy and vibrant church within walking distance of every person in Africa. They partner with local congregations to construct churches in hard-to-reach places through Africa Tabernacle Evangelism.


Your Choices, Randolph

Your Choices Randolph is a safe and supportive environment for women facing unexpected pregnancies and considering abortion. The organization offers free services provided by licensed medical staff, aiming to empower clients with medically accurate information. This enables women to turn their fear into confidence as they make informed decisions about their future.



We proudly stand alongside missionary families who, despite facing local hostility and persecution, continue to spread the message of Christ’s redemption and love. To protect their safety and allow them to continue their vital work, we honor their request for anonymity.