We are passionate about creating an atmosphere where kids experience God in a way they will never forget. Parents have the freedom to worship God in the main service while their kids are safe and secure praising God, meeting new friends and learning the Word of God each week.
Our Children's ministries happen every Sunday @ 10 AM and Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM for kids from birth through elementary school.
At each service we offer the finest child care and ministry available. All of our children's ministries (Nursery, toddler & children's program) are staffed with trained, screened, caring individuals who will lovingly care for your children.
Please check-in your child each week at the kiosk in the children's church or nursery areas before each service.
If you'd like to schedule a visit or find out more about our Children's ministry you can connect with us using the link below.
REACH YOUTH MINISTRY is a group of adventurous, engaging and encouraging teenagers who love God and love people all while doing life together. We offer a dynamic youth program every Wednesday @ 6:30 PM and events that take place all the time. We are all about helping students realize how amazing Jesus is, creating a life-giving fun atmosphere and building a community.
REACH YOUTH is a great opportunity for students to be in a positive peer environment and to learn about Jesus in a way that will empower them to live life to the fullest.
Connect with us to get plugged in, schedule a visit, learn about events or find out more.
Food Bank, Community Meals & Evangelism
Our food bank ministry distribution takes place Wednesday night from 5:00 - 6:00 and our Community Night Meals take place the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30.
Also, our Evangelism team ministers at different events during the year.
If you’d like to help with one of these ministries, click below to let us know.
Ready to help?